Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Leftover fix ; Seafood Fried Rice

Every time I have leftover from the day before I would like to create the menu with that leftover. I did create a menu that satisfied everyone in this family especially the boys. We actually have fish every Thursday since the father doesn't like fish, especially oily fish, and he will work until later that day, so that is perfect day for the rest of family who love fish. I experimented that the boys love fresh water fishes more than oily fish, however I do not want to make them choosing the meals that they are usually comfortable with, because I think when they are a grown up, they will be more picky.

Now I have tried to experiment and create new recipe about fish as much as I can to make them feel more interesting to try new dishes. Today I know they love Fried Rice and especially this dish will make a extra way for them to consume more vegetables too. I broke up the leftover, Grilled trout fillet to smaller flakes and diced all fresh vegetable we grew in the garden as small pieces as I can so they can not take it out. I suggest you can also use mix frozen vegetable.

Trout Fried Rice

Tip; Rice for making Fried rice; you would want to use less water than you used to prepare normally.

How to cook rice; 2 cups of Jasmine Rice + 3 Cups of water. In a pot of boiling water and rice, let it boiling for 3 minutes, reduce the heat to low and shimmer it about 5-8 minutes or until the top of the rice look clearer and no bubbling water. Turn heat off and cover the lid until use it. Fluffy with folk.


2 cups cold cooked rice
1 cups mix vegetables; Diced carrot, corn, peas or sliced green beans
2 cups cooked Trout; flaked
2 eggs
2 ripe tomatoes, diced
1 cups diced crab meats
1/4 cup or 1 medium onion, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
3 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp black soy sauce
1 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp cooking oil
1 tbsp butter
salt and black pepper
garnish with cilantro, lime, cucumber


1. Preheat wok to medium high, add oil, butter and onion, cook till translucent then add garlic cook till yellow brown add eggs, cook as scramble eggs and add cold rice, soy sauce, black soy sauce and sugar, stir until mix well.
2. Add, mix vegetables, salt and black pepper, cook for about 3 minutes or the vegetable start to get bright color. Add tomato, crab meats and trout, cook for about 3 minutes. Turn the heat off and serve with cucumber, lime and cilantro. 

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