Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My favorite Thai Salads

I love hot and spicy. However, if I cook curry everyday it would grain up more weight because of coconut milk. So today I will recommend to the menu that always for a skinny Thai ladies secret. Thai Salad.

Of cause, Thai foods is a little heat along the way, as you will see my Thai recipe I put on the blog later on. I love to put hot chillies pepper, which called in Thai " Prik Kee Noo", it is very small pepper but really hot especially the Red color ones. I slice its very thinly and try to mix with Green color pepper. For a person who never like the heat too much, I would prefer to use couple of green prik kee noo.

My boyfriend had not have any real hot or spicy foods before met me. So when I introduced him to Thai foods, he always asked about the ingredients in the dish which sometime I didn't tell him all the ingredient until he tasted it first. Once he tried the Spicy Salad that I will put on this blog, his face and ears turned red and looked for more drinks after that. Although, he is more willing to go a little farther when it becomes to spicy foods. My trick is put less in his first time, then add up more every time I cook the same dish. Now he can handle at least 5 greens prik kee noo thinly sliced in one of his favorite dish, which will put on this blog later on.

Yum Woonsen and Yum Moo Yor.
( Yum = Salad, Woonsen = Clear noodle, Moo Yor = Vietnamese Pork stick, or I called Thai Baloney)

My tips; I like to make dressing separately and pour into salad when ready to serve. So I will give the dressing recipe and salad itself separately.

Yum Dressing
(I use this dressing in almost any spicy salad with clear noodle or only Moo Yor itself)

Ingredient;  make about half of a cup, that could make 2 serving salad

1 tbsp hot water
2 tbsp brown sugar
3 tbsp fresh lime juice
3 tbsp fish sauce, *substitute with 1 tsp salt and 2 tsp fish sauce
2-3 green Thai hot chilies (Prik Kee Noo) for Mild taste, 7-9 red Prik Kee Noo for Hot, thinly sliced

In small bowl, add sugar in hot water just for it melts. Let it cool. Add fish sauce or salt, lime juice and chilies. Taste and set aside.

Clear noodle and Seafood with Thai Salad Dressing
(Yum Woonsen and Seafood)


1 1/2 cup raw clear noodle
1/4 cup Moo Yor, thinly sliced and cut to bite size
1/4 cup mix seafood, cut into small bite size and cooked
1/4 cup thinly sliced red onion or white onion
3 tbsp thinly sliced or julienned
3 tbsp celery with leaves, chopped
2 cups
1/2 cup Yum dressing as recipe above
garnish with cilantro


1. If you have raw seafood, wash and divined for shrimp. For crab meat, mostly already cooked, cut up small bite and put in the mixing bowl.
2. In the pot of boiling water, add clear noodle, Moo Yor, shrimp and carrot, cooked until the noodle soft and clear like glass, drained and add in mixing bowl with onion and celery only stalk part, mixing all the ingredient when it is still hot.
3. Just before serving, add the dressing and celery leaves, mix it all ingredient well. Garnish with cilantro.

Another recipe that I would love to make when I feel like to have more fresh summer vegetable that all grow in the garden is "Yum Moo Yor with cucumber tomato in Thai dressing salad"

Yum Moo Yor with Cucumber Tomato in Thai dressing Salad

My tip; use fresh cucumber and tomato as you can find. It is a nice for fresh summer afternoon lunch especially in Thailand. I suggest to have this dish with warm jasmine rice.
I choose to steam the ingredient this time because I want to keep the taste as much as i can and also let the meat sit longer in the dressing before add tomato and cucumber to prevent more juice come out to the salad.


1/2 cup Moo Yor
1/4 cup sliced cucumber
3 tbsp thinly slice fresh carrot
1/4 cup sliced tomato
1 medium sweet onion, prefer white onion, thinly sliced
1/4 cup celery stalk, cut bite size included celery leaves roughly chopped
1/2 cup yum dressing
cilantro for garnish


1. In a steamer, cook the Moo Yor, carrot for couple minute. Add to mixing bowl with have onion, celery stalks. Add the yum dressing, mix well.
2. Just before serve, add tomato, cucumber and celery leaves, gently mix altogether. Garnish with cilantro.

1 comment:

Sine said...

very nice posting and editing Pookie- I love the pictures of Yum woonsen so much. Mine doesn't come out like this one. jealous !!