Friday, October 1, 2010

Baking Vol.1

Apple Pie

When I was in Thailand, there was only one pie I love about, Blueberry pie. When I lived in the state, I wasn't crazy much about pie, I remembered. It was more about Chocolate, cookies, cake and brownie. I was totally forgetting about pie for a period of time.

When I am here in Canada, a lot of people around me love baking, well I would say they can Baked! How about me?? I want to know how to bake from scratch not from the premixed box in grocery store. As soon as I got the cookbook and baking book back from Chicago. I started to read and learn how to bake simple recipe, such as; cookies, cupcakes, icing, biscuits and cheesecakes. My favorite and everyone favorite is Non-baked Cheesecake. It's so simple and easy. All of my friends, family here love it so much! We have to carry the ingredient almost all the time, until I learned to bake other stuff beside the cheesecake.

I got to bake so many baked good, I experiment my own recipe and all the ingredient they put in the recipe. I love this part I felt like I am using what I have studied in my college degree, Biotechnology! I did at least 3 batch with different key ingredient or sometime temperature. It was fun actually and I got to know my ingredient and technique on my own.

Baking is more about Science acknowledge and practical also. It can be really complicate for someone especially all my Thai friends here, they don't really know how to bake from scratch much. I have been teaching them once in a while, we got together on weekend at someones condo or their employer's home. Everyone said I should open a restaurant or bake shop!! I would love too, that could be another dream to accomplish, however, I want to focus what I love doing right now everyday.

This Fall season arrived with a lot of good things, it is beautiful and colorful. I am fall in love with Fall Season here very much. I was laying down under different shade of red, yellow, orange color of trees! I personally love Maple leaves since I was in Chicago. Beside the color of Fall, there is upcoming event that is all about cooking and baking, Thanksgiving. I have invited to celebrate Thanksgiving with Hume's Family. I know it's not as nervous since I have known them well enough, however they are expecting me to bring some of my baking. So to honor their festival and traditional, I'm going to bake Pies, not one Pie though. It's gonna be a lot of his family and relatives because they are going to have a Wedding in couple days after Thanksgiving also.

What am I doing now is experiment how to make my own recipe of Pastry, that I believe can make it different than other store bought! I did bake 4 apple pies in 2 days, my family I lived with and my bf are overwhelming about it! The boys love apple pie, so does Robert. He asked me many times to bake him apple pie because he know I will make it differently than what he used to have from his store. So I asked the boys' grandmother to teach me how she make her own pastry. She gave me all she has and it actually taste so good! I love crispy pie an outside and softy chunk of apple inside.

In this Blog, I am not going to put the recipe in yet just because I am still experiment how to make the pastry for the one that I love. I will just show the picture that I did make my very first Apple pie and pastry.

my first pastry that I did from scratch and rolled up

My apple pie is ready to sit in the hot oven

I love cinnamon so I put more than I supposed to but it's great for me :p


Sine said...

Great! seriously let's open a restaurant. I will be a waitress. :P

Sine said... wrote a lot like you are writing an essay. I wouldn't write this much if it not actually an assignment.

My Everyday Food Abroad said...

Thanks Sine! I don't know it just came up while I were writting it. Anyway, I need to take Creative writting class next spring :P