Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Seafood Dinner

My Seafood dinner

When I was a little girl, my parents were very concerned about foods, so they wanted to make sure we consumed enough healthy and organic ingredients that why we would grow vegetable, herbs and even fed chicken for eggs and meat (I was sad when it time to murdered them !). However, we still got a health problem, my aunt and my brother had not gotten enough Iodine, that because we weren't consumed Seafood and sea salt at all. Well, we live North of Thailand where no connect to the ocean at all.

My dad was very worried about it but luckily it was fixable. They had been treating by the doctor. The doctor suggested to consume more sea foods and sea salt. Since then, we cooked more seafood and put more sea salt while we cook other dishes. I fell in love with seafood by then.

My favorite seafood dish is Stir fried Ocean Crabs in Curry sauce! I like Red Snapper in sour soup with spring vegetable. And since Japanese cuisine hits Thailand, my brother took me and my mom to Japanese Restaurant for my 20th birthday, We all tried new foods together, it was fun and interesting things I love to do! I fell in love with Sushi Maki Rolls since then. However, I decided to not like Raw fish, just because I didn't like the taste and smell. When I lived in Chicago, I always liked to go for sushi buffet all the time, it was fun going out with a lot of my Au Pair friends there, they were from all around the world, mostly I knew from Europe, some of them never heard about Sushi at all! So I just liked to introduce new menu for their life and they cooked their comfort foods they had at their hometown for me! It was a good trade!

This blog I will bring up the recipe I just cooked for the dinner. The boys I am taking care doesn't like Fish, I think because his dad doesn't like it and they got the idea that they should not like it. However, I don't agree with these kids, I think if I try to cook it right and add more favor to the fish dish, they will change their mind! I succeed with this menu because it actually taste good and easy to prepare. Let's check it out!!

Grill Herb-Topped Trout Fillet

Most trout has vivid color which depends on environment of their habitats. Trout is in the same species with Salmon but Mostly Salmon lives in salt water unlike trout that can find in the cool, clear stream or lake. 


1 boneless trout fillet with skin
2 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 tbsp each finely chopped of fresh basil, thyme and parsley
1 tbsp lemon zest
1 clove garlic, minced
a pinch of salt and ground black pepper
cooking oil spray


1. Preheat the barbecue to medium-high. In a small bowl, stir together extra virgin olive oil, basil, thyme, parsley, lemon zest, garlic, salt and black pepper.
2. Spray the flesh side of trout fillet with cooking spray. Grill trout, flesh side down, for 2 to 3 minutes or until browned. Turn trout over. Spread herb mixture evenly over the flesh side, grill it further about 2 to 4 minutes, until fillet are firm and flesh is opaque.
Serve garnished with fresh parsley and lemon slices.

My secret add on ingredient; I made Thai herbs oil earlier, so I used it instead of just plain Extra Virgin Olive oil. The lemon glass and kefir lime leaves gave the kick for the oil on the trout too!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look Yummy!! I'll try the recipe